All your meals at the restaurant
During your stay at the hotel, enjoy a dinner at the restaurant "Le Connétable". The restaurant of the hotel Le Connétable offers vegetarian cuisine with seasonal products and if possible, short circuit. All our dishes, side dishes and desserts are homemade. The plates are complete and balanced.
While waiting for the opening of the restaurant "Le Connetable" to external customers, reservations are mandatory for accommodated customers.
From February, the Restaurant "Le Connetable" will be open every day, to accommodate your meals. At lunch, enjoy our dishes between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m., and in the evening, enjoy our dining room or our courtyard between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Take the time to savor our gourmet cuisine during a friendly moment, while enjoying your meal in your hotel with restaurant in Champsaur.
Catering packages for groups
For your group meals, or for your private and professional events, we offer you a formula, adapted to your needs and expectations. A catering formula, with starter, main course and dessert of your choice, is offered to you for your group meals at Restaurant Le Connetable.
Contact us to find out more about our formulas!